Exporting and Importing Reports

You can export reports in .xml format and share it with your clients. You can also import reports from a different category.

To export reports, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Application MenuMiscellaneous > Reporting Manager.
  2. Expand the Categories node.
  3. Expand the desired category.
  4. Expand the Reports node nested in the category node.
  5. Right-click the report to be exported.
  6. The following page appears.

  7. Click Export Report.
  8. The report is downloaded in .arp format.

    You can extract the report in .xml format.

You can import the reports from other categories.

To import reports from different categories, follow these steps:

  1. Export a report from a category.
  2. Expand the category node where you wish to import the report.
  3. Right-click the Reports node.
  4. Click Import Report.
  5. The Import Report page appears.

  6. Drag and Drop the exported report (.arp format) or use to browse the report (.arp format).
  7. Click .
  8. The report is uploaded in the category.